Say what?

I forgot to post about Wednesday’s non-treatment day. . . but then my mom called me and told me something that was very blog worthy. You’ll have to read a little more before I get to that.

So, Wednesday dad was supposed to get his bi-weekly treatment. And the routine before he gets his magic juice is bloodwork, a visit with the doctor, and then typically the green light for more chemo. This time they received the red light. His bloodwork came back with low levels of platelets. . . no chemo. But he did get all the other goodies (that might not be the correct word) to hydrate him, give him more potassium, and who knows what else. So the plan is that they will return on Wednesday for more bloodwork, hoping for the platelet level to rise back to a normal level. If his bloodwork checks out as “good” then he’ll receive his treatment.

Onto the good stuff, mom calls me at work today- “Jen, the doctor just called. It’s not as good of news as Kevin’s but it’s good.” (About a week ago, I had told Kevin that the doctor had look at the ultrasound and said that it was gone. Kevin thought “it” was the cancer; unfortunately, “it” was just the kidney stone. So that’s “Kevin’s news”- that the cancer’s gone.) The doctor has been tracking bloodwork from the very beginning. Don’t ask how this works but somehow there are levels they can count that relate to the size of the mass/lesions. Well, since the last scan (Dec 28th) the counts are indicating that the mass and lesions have shrunk even more! That’s with just one treatment on the 12th of January! I’ll take it, and I’ll take even more please. These are the doctor’s phone calls that are nice to hear!

And in the same conversation, my mom says, “I don’t think I told you, but your dad is on Ritalin.”
“What? Say that again.”
“The doctors put your dad on Ritalin.”
“I’m sorry, but why?”
“Evidently Ritalin can have the opposite effect on some people. That’s what they are using it for- to give him more energy.”
“Okay, but this is too funny. My dad is on Ritalin.”
“Yeah, and I think it’s working too. He hasn’t had a nap for the past 2 days. And right now, he’s cleaning the house. Well, actually, he’s organizing the closet.” (They had just gotten back from the ever so famous Lowe’s run and had gone out to eat too. This usually means nap time.)
“Well, good. I’m glad the Ritalin’s working.”

I am chuckling over this as a type. Thinking about my even-tempered, always listening only talking when appropriate dad is on Ritalin. I’ll let you know if I see if the medication is “working.” Well, it’s just supposed to give him more energy- in essence, make him hyper. I really don’t see hyper happening. But I’ll report back. . .

Please continue with all the prayers for my dad. Everything done to support our family during this endeavor is greatly appreciated.


One response to “Say what?

  1. Wow, a miracle drug! Ritalin! We will probably have to start sending money so Carolyn can buy groceries to keep food on the table! I will gladly do it! So happy to hear about the shrinkage. Now that is really good news!

    Would love to come over and celebrate with you, but have a cough that I need to get rid of before I come. Told Carolyn that I would take you out to eat in absentia! (think that is the word I need.)

    Keep the good news coming and so glad you are keeping the closets organized!
    Love you