Another Treatment, Another Smile

So, the most fabulous Christmas present ever came a few days late.  Yesterday we got the great news about Dad’s scan. . . that he had earlier that day.  The nurse was so pleased with the results she couldn’t wait until today (at his appointment) for my parents to hear the results.  (All other times, they had to wait for the appointment to hear the results with the doctor.)  Onto the good part, the two lesions they have been tracking since the beginning showed shrinkage.  And when I mean shrink, I’m serious.  One lesion that was 3.9 measured at 2.8 and the other one at 3.0 is now 1.7!  This was his first scan (after 4 treatments) with the new medicine . .  dad’s new lunchbox seems to be working!  Obviously, everyone was in great spirits yesterday.  It just so happens on Tuesdays we all go over to Mom and Dad’s for dinner.  But the good news couldn’t wait to be told until all had arrived; the story was told 3 times.

The less exciting but just as important news is that he got another treatment today. Round 5 of this drug cocktail. . .

They have added additional medicine to Dad regimen hoping to combat the nausea and lack of appetite.  The list of drugs dad is taking is never ending, but I’m waiting to be able to say that my dad’s on pot.  That just makes me laugh thinking about it.  (It’s supposedly the next step in combatting the nausea.)  Anyway, until last week, food was eaten only because he knew he needed to.  When you asked if he wanted anything in particular, you got a funny face- like why are you asking me that?  And then on Saturday while shopping at Crate and Barrel, he said he was getting hungry.  I haven’t heard that word out of his mouth for a very long time.  Drop everything- get dad some food!  Then last night: “Jen, is the pizza almost done?”  “Yes, why?”  “Cause I’m getting hungry.”  Granted, he still had weight loss from his last visit, but hopefully we’ll start seeing the pounds go up.

Christmas ended up being a white Christmas (for those not living in the area). The last white Christmas I remember included driving to Grandma’s on a curvy/hilly 2 lane highway and watching the car in front of us slide back down the hill. Luckily, dad was waiting for it to happen and kept everyone safe. This year, we spent Christmas Eve at my parents house- normally it’s spent at Grandma’s with the extended family.  We opted to hang out at home trying to avoid all the unnecessary germs- sorry guys!  We enjoyed a more or less quiet night (in comparison to the excitement/noise at Grandma’s).  For the past 3 years, Denny entertains us with his enthusiasm for Christmas presents. His first Christmas he required help opening his gifts and last Christmas he was more excited about the wrapping and boxes. But this year he started helping pass out presents by ‘reading’ the tags.  “K is for Kevin, this is Kevin’s.”  It got confusing with presents labelled Mom.  They weren’t for his mom. . . After unwrapping most of his presents and spending time gazing at his goods, it was followed by cutest ever unprompted thank you.

I hope you enjoyed celebrating Christmas with your family and friends.  And I wish you and yours a fabulous New Year.

Thanks for all the prayers and cards! As always, keep them coming!


2 responses to “Another Treatment, Another Smile

  1. Hey, We in Arkansas are ever so happy and thankful for this wonderful report. LaVerne had told me it was good but this explains it more. I meant to call last night but the time got away and I did not want to disturb anyone. So I will get it done. We are going to PB today to see Mark and Ashley. They will be leaving tomorrow. This makes a good ending and beginning for this year and next. Love you ever so much, Ron and Donna

  2. Paula Jackson

    I appreciate receiving the updates you send and wish all the best to you and your family. Your dad is a super guy and I’ll continue to root for him followed by prayers! Thanks again and Happy New Year!